Why should a company spend time and money to help their people learn and grow?

There are three main reasons:

  1. Increase quantity and quality of work,
  2. Prepare A-players for more influential roles, and
  3. Cultivate loyalty and prevent unwanted turnover.
  4. When people feel they are learning and growing, they are less likely to look around for other jobs.
When people feel that someone cares and is helping them grow, they become more generous with their time and efforts.

Questions for you:
  • Do your executives know and agree on who the A-players are in every group?
  • What's the impact and level of pain if one of these A-players resigned today?
  • Are you sure your managers have a sound plan for keeping your super stars engaged?
Learning happens all the time on the job and at work, and it occurs in a variety of ways. Learning doesn't have to mean expensive and often not applicable training programs. It's our task as effective people leaders to identify creative learning opportunities without spending serious cash, and to help people remember and apply those insights productively. If people are learning and growing, they will be engaged. If they believe that what they learn today will set them up for future jobs, they will stay.

How OrgSpeed can help:
We help your managers align people, roles, and creative learning opportunities. We make sure they have an effective people strategy plan for each of their people, and we train and coach your managers on how to hold conversations around learning and growth. And most importantly, we help your managers keep their super stars challenged and engaged.

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